What we do


Claims & Injury Management

This means different things to different people. If you experience anything like what we do, the divide between what this means to employers in comparison to WorkCover Agents/Insurers, is enormous. NewCare Group is not about pushing paper around. We are about achieving results via return to work or via other means, depending on the specific circumstances around each and any claim you may have.

Our ability and expertise in managing and understanding the drivers and requirements of all parties involved is our strength. Our unrestricted approach to managing claims allows you, as the employer, to maximise the opportunities for claim resolution.

Premium & Policies

WorkCover is likely to be one of the largest insurance bills you receive each year, yet most employers simply accept what they pay. Employers can review and revise their policy structure at any time. Often this is overlooked or not considered if there has been a change in business activity or company structure.

Premium savings are available from a policy perspective and whilst this is a complex area, NewCare Group can review your situation and provide options that may save you thousands. Our biggest return – a $700K refund to a client. Yes, this is the extreme end and a phenomenal result, but it does demonstrate exactly what is possible.


Workplace Safety

Most employers will tell us that the safety of their employees is their highest priority. We would all agree that our staff are our greatest assets – wouldn't we? If this is the case, why is safety such a bugbear for some organisations? Why are safety issues sometimes viewed as a nuisance?

NewCare Group can assist you in managing your workplace safety program, from an extremely basic level to highly detailed and structured policies and procedures. We view safety as part of your core business and work to incorporate this into what you do - you can achieve a safe workplace without even noticing it.